Treating Male Pattern Baldness

Balding is usually seen as a sign of aging, but androgenic alopecia, or male pattern baldness, affects about two out of every five men between the ages of 20 and 35. It’s a condition that affects almost half of men over the age of 50. If you’re noticing hair loss around the temple, the crown of the head, or surrounding the hairline, you may be suffering from male pattern baldness. Fortunately, no one has to live with the symptoms of this type of baldness thanks to innovative regrowth and implant treatments like the ones we offer at Neem Medical Spa.

About Male Pattern Baldness

The medical term for male pattern baldness is “androgenic alopecia.” It is commonly diagnosed when the following exhibits in a middle-aged man:

  • A recessed hairline
  • Hair loss at the top of the head
  • Thinning hair, especially on the top and sides of the head

Treatments for Male Pattern Baldness

In order to properly treat male pattern baldness, it is important to understand the underlying cause(s) and rule out any medical conditions that could be contributing to hair loss like thyroid disease, Hodgkin’s Disease, cancer, etc.

Our mainstay hair loss treatment utilizes growth factors in a patient’s blood to stimulate active hair follicles. This process, called PRP therapy, involves taking a sample of blood, separating the platelet-rich plasma and injecting the solution back into target areas of the scalp. The goal of PRP therapy is to stimulate as many active hair follicles possible and this often requires three to four treatments for optimal success.

Sometimes PRP therapy is combined with special supplements, medications (like Rogaine®) and/or prescription solutions. It is a nonsurgical and virtually painless procedure.

About the Hair Growth Cycle

To grow hair requires a hair follicle, healthy skin and good supply of blood. The average human can typically lose up to 100 strands of hair a day because hair has its own growth and regrowth cycle.

The hair on your head grows in four stages: (1) Anagen, the growing phase, (2) Catagen, the regression phase, (3) Exogen, the shedding phase, and (4) Telogen, the resting phase. PRP therapy has been proven to shorten the telogen-to-anagen transition, which is why patients see the development of new hair after treatment.

Your Next Step to Full and Thick Hair

Ready to get rid of the symptoms of male pattern baldness for good? Contact us to schedule a consultation today to learn more about PRP for hair.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.