ENDYMED™ Intensif is a form of microneedling that utilizes energy from the built-in radiofrequency technology that targets heat deep into the skin.
Ideal Candidates
Of course, these technologies are available for adult patients of all ages. However, if you're 40 years old or older, this might be the ideal treatment. Your facial skin may be beginning to show discoloration, smile lines, age spots, and other skin problems. RF microneedling in Boston, Winchester, Lynnfield, & Salem, NH, is a wonderful option if you want to:
- Firm your skin, creating a more refreshed look
- Enhance skin feel, pigment, and tone
- Address skin imperfections, like discoloration and blood vessels
- Reduce the appearance of sun damage and age spots
- Treat acne scars and other forms of discoloration
- Rejuvenate skin for a younger, more luminous look