About Laser Scar Treatments

At Neem Medical Spa, our aesthetic teams are proud to help men and women who would like to reduce the appearance of their scars. As nonablative laser treatments, the Fraxel DUAL and ResurFX Lumenis will give you excellent results without an invasive procedure. Led by board-certified internal medicine physician, Dr. Rosy Sandhu, our team provides laser treatments to reduce the appearance of scars, change the look and feel of your skin, and increase your functionality of skin that has lost flexibility, and boost your body’s production of healthy collagen and skin cells. 

We also perform laser scar treatments to help skin with restricted movement of damaged skin and soft tissues caused by trauma, burns, surgeries, or other injuries.

Your first step in enhancing your skin with laser scar treatments in Boston, Winchester, Lynnfield, & Salem, NH, at Neem Medical Spa is to make an appointment with Dr. Sandhu. She will do an analysis of your skin to see if our lasers can improve your scar. In any of her Neem Medical Spa offices, she will discuss options to revise the appearance of your skin. Call and schedule with one of our friendly patient coordinators today.

Types Of Common Scars

  • Hypertrophic Scars – These are thick red scars that typically occur along the inner boundaries of after a laceration or surgical incision.
  • Keloid Scars – While keloid scars are similar in appearance to hypertrophic scars, they grow beyond the boundaries of an injury. They often look like raised pockets of skin, and they are typically found on the earlobes, chest, and shoulders.
  • Contracture Scars – The most severe type of scar is a contracture scar. They can be quite difficult to get rid of once they have developed. These scars are most common among burn victims and other patients who have injured a large area of skin. They are referred to as contracture scars because they physically pull and tighten the underlying soft tissue, and may restrict normal movement in that area.
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Ideal Candidates

If you have surface scarring on your skin, then you should come in for a consultation with Dr. Sandhu for laser scar treatments in Boston, Winchester, Lynnfield, and Salem, NH. She will help you find an alternative to treatment with chemicals or invasive surgical procedures. We treat skin with scars from acne, surgical incisions, skin trauma, and more. An ideal candidate will have mild-to-moderate skin scarring. Dr. Sandhu will give you specific recommendations based on what your skin needs. She may also suggest additional aesthetic treatments that can create amazing results.

Treatment Technique

First, we will accompany you to one of our private laser treatment rooms. We will clean the area to have the laser scar treatment and will apply a topical anesthetic to numb the area. Once you are prepared and ready for the Fraxel DUAL or ResurFX Lumenis laser, we will begin the laser treatment. You can also expect air on your skin during the laser application to minimize your discomfort from the heat sensations in your skin. If you still feel the sting at the end of the session, it should only last 1 – 3 hours. If you have a small treatment area, the appointment should be short. However, if you have multiple scars or a large region of skin to cover, you will spend more time under the laser. Dr. Sandhu will explain the details of your session at your consultation appointment.

What To Expect

Realistically, you will need more than one laser scar treatment to get the results you want. Many patients at Neem Medical Spa have 3 – 5 sessions several weeks apart. Your skin will begin to show improvement in 2 – 3 months as it replenishes healthy skin cells and supplemental collagen and elastin your body will naturally produce. You should have minimal downtime (less than 4 – 5 days) with these treatments. Keep in mind that your skin will look red and you may not want to be out in public. You should feel fine to continue your normal routine. We recommend that you have a laser scar treatment over a long weekend if it is in a visible spot (your face).

Less Scars, More You

Our Neem Medical Spa teams in Boston, Lynnfield, Winchester, and Salem, NH, would like to show you the benefits of laser scar treatments. These lasers can help you renew your skin with this nonablative treatment. Please call and schedule a consultation for Dr. Sandhu to examine your scars. You can tell her about how you would like to see your skin transform with laser scar treatments. We know you want people to see less of your scars and more of you!

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